Food Road Map

The Food Road Map project successfully developed a regional food system map and a collective action plan, integrating mātauranga Māori-based food sovereignty principles to enhance food security for whānau Māori. By mapping the food system in Hawke’s Bay, the project identified key barriers and opportunities for improving food security, health, social equity, and sustainable environments.

Community groups and stakeholders were actively involved, blending Western and Māori knowledge to reconnect whānau to kai and the whenua in a mana-enhancing fashion. Building on existing relationships with community and Iwi, the project utilised mātauranga Māori and tikanga to re-orient food systems, better serving whānau food security, hauora, and sustainable environments.

This community-centred approach laid the foundation for long-term food sovereignty, reducing health inequity, and enhancing wellbeing for Māori. The project also emphasised the importance of creating a local produce supply chain, engaging local food growers, manufacturers, retailers, and schools to foster environmental sustainability, community prosperity, and school engagement. The collective efforts resulted in significant positive outcomes, demonstrating the value of a community-centred and culturally informed approach to food security.

Discover the journey and findings of the Food Road Map project. View the PDF presentation here.